Living Clutter Free Forever - decluttering tips,home organizing, minimalist living

Bringing home new responsibilities? 5 proven methods to stay organized and clutter-free #123

Caroline Thor - Professional Organizer - KonMari® Consultant

Are you bringing home new responsibilities? Maybe it's a new baby, pet, or even starting a new hobby. You’ve got all this stuff coming in, and it's exciting—but also overwhelming, right?

How do you manage the chaos without drowning in clutter? How do you stay organized when life throws in more than you planned for?

In my latest podcast episode, ‘Bringing Home New Responsibilities? 5 Proven Methods to Stay Organized and Clutter-Free,’ I’m sharing my go-to methods for handling these big life transitions without letting clutter take over. Whether it’s preparing for a baby, welcoming a new pet (like my own adorable but chaotic puppy), or moving into a new home, these tips will help you keep your space tidy, organized, and calm.

You don’t need more stuff stressing you out. You need a system. I’ll show you how to declutter as you transition—using the KonMari Method to streamline your home and make room for what really matters. You’ll learn simple ways to prevent clutter from taking over, while keeping your home functional for your family. Plus, I’ll talk about some emotional clutter too (yep, it’s a thing!).

Imagine enjoying this new chapter without feeling overwhelmed by mess. This episode will give you the tools to make that happen.

Ready to stay clutter-free? Tune in now and let’s tackle it together!

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Grab your FREE copy of  The frustrated parents' guide: how to get your kids to tidy up without them even realizing it! 

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Speaker 1:

Hi there, I'm Caroline Thor, professional organiser, konmari consultant, teacher and mum of three. I started off my life as a mum feeling overwhelmed, disorganised and desperately trying to carve out some time for me amongst the nappies, chaos and clutter. One day, one small book called the Life-Changing Magic of Tidying changed everything and I began to learn strategies for making everyday life easier. Today, I have the systems in place that means life can throw almost anything at me, and I want to share them with you. If you're an overwhelmed mum struggling to keep it together, then this is the podcast for you. Grab a coffee and settle in for a quick chat with someone who gets your reality. Hello and welcome back to the Living Clutterfree Forever podcast. I am Caroline Thor, a KonMari consultant and professional organiser. If you haven't listened before, you can probably tell from my accent that I'm British, but I've actually been living in Germany for the last 19 years and my world has shifted in the last week. I am recording this with a puppy sitting behind me in a playpen.

Speaker 1:

We now have six animals in our home and five humans, which means we are outnumbered, and we are very excited to have welcomed Nugget into our family. Nugget is a puppy golden retriever, so at the moment he is super cute, super challenging. I have never had a baby animal. We've always got them from the animal rescue when they've been at least a year old. So this is the first time we've had a baby animal. We've always got them from the animal rescue when they've been at least a year old, so this is the first time we've had a baby. And the reason we have actually got Nugget is because one of my children has autism and ADHD and very strong social anxiety, and the idea is that Nugget and my child are going to bond as Nugget grows and Nugget is going to have training as a therapy dog for them. So that is all very new in our home, really challenging, but super fun, as you can imagine. And it's actually inspired this episode because it really got me thinking as I was getting the stuff ready for puppy coming like, oh my goodness, all this new stuff is coming into the house. We've now got two dog beds and two sets of bowls and water bowls and two lots of food, because Nugget is not eating what my older dog is eating yet, and so on. And puppies need toys, whereas my other dog just isn't interested in toys at all. So we've suddenly got all this new stuff coming into the house and it is really exciting, but it can also be really overwhelming.

Speaker 1:

So today's episode is going to be about how to stay organized and manage changes in your home and life, whether it's getting a new pet or a baby arriving or moving homes or other big life events. Or maybe you start a new hobby and that hobby has a load of stuff that goes with it. Now, all these tips that I'm going to give today can be applied to various situations. The whole episode is not going to be just pet related, and the goal is to help you create a space that brings you joy and serves your changing needs so that, despite the influx of new things that are coming in, you can still keep your home organised and running smoothly for you. So common life transitions, as I've already said, are things like a baby coming, a new pet coming, perhaps you change your job and it has some new resources that you will need.

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Moving is another one. Of course, it might be that you start a new hobby. It could be you have a child leaving home and you're becoming an empty nester. Or maybe you have had a child that's left home and now, as an adult, they're having to move back in again. There's so many different things that can happen in life that are going to mean that the organization of your home is going to be upset, and these changes can create clutter both in your home and also in your mind.

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So I've really had to adapt, not just for the new pet stuff that's come and the space that that takes up, but I've also had to adapt my schedule, because the puppy needs feeding four times a day, every hour. At the moment, I need to take him out into the garden to stop him peeing and pooping all over my house, which is what happens if I don't do that, and that means I've had to really look at my calendar and think about how I work. How am I going to get my son to school? Because I drive him. I can't leave the puppy on its own, so I have to build in extra time to pack the puppy into the car as well. It's just a whole thing, and if you've been through any of these big life transitions, you will know exactly what I'm talking about.

Speaker 1:

So I don't want you to think about decluttering as another task on the list of to-dos when this change is about to happen, but more of a way to embrace this new chapter smoothly. And I have spent a lot of time before Nugget arrived thinking, okay, where is his stuff going to go? Where can we store it? If it's going to be stored there, how are we going to create space for it? And I was also thinking about things like okay, if he's upstairs and has an accident on a carpet or something, then I'm going to need a set of cleaning stuff for the carpet up there as well as downstairs in the living space, so that I'm not having to run backwards and forwards and all of that sort of jazz. So let's just think about for a minute how you can tidy for the transition using the KonMari method.

Speaker 1:

If you've listened to this podcast before, you know I have talked about your ideal lifestyle. For this, you really need to visualize your ideal space. So before you tackle the physical clutter, I would like you to imagine what you want your home and life to look like after the transition. So for me, it was going to be that, yes, the puppy was going to come and there was going to be chaos, but I would like it to be organized chaos and I would like everything around the puppy to still work as smoothly as possible. So having my weekly meal plan means I'm not having to think about food. Having my shopping list ready means that when I go to the supermarket, I'm going to know exactly what it is I need to get and I'm not wasting time, and that my cleaning schedule is still going to fit in around what the puppy is going to need, so that the house doesn't start to look like a complete bomb has hit and stuff like that. Okay, and the most important thing for me was that I still want to feel calm and I want to enjoy this. I don't want to feel totally stressed and overwhelmed by the whole situation. So really visualising my ideal space and, in my case, my ideal calendar before the puppy arrived has meant that, yes, it's been a bit of an upheaval and at times, a little bit overwhelming, and there's definitely a lack of sleep involved, but I've been managing it really well, I felt really calm about it and I have been able to enjoy him being here.

Speaker 1:

The second thing I would suggest, if you're tidying for transitions using the KonMari method, is to really look at categories over rooms. So I was going to focus on what do I need for the puppy. This is a new category and I'm going to have to look at where that's going to be stored so that it doesn't create problems with other categories of things that I already have, and it has allowed me to manage items that have been brought in with this life change. I remember once helping a client organise her home ready for the arrival of a new baby, and we did exactly the same thing. We were thinking about what items were coming into the home for the new baby, how that was going to be stored so that it didn't create impact on what was already set up. We created a new system for the baby stuff so that life could carry on and it wouldn't feel overwhelming. And then I would encourage you for the third step in this, to make joy sparking decisions. So ask yourself if the item you're adding or keeping still spark joy in the context of this new life event.

Speaker 1:

So, since I'm using Nugget as an example, we have an old dog bed. Does it still serve a purpose with the new dog? Well, no, in this case it didn't, because our other dog is still using that. So we do have to buy a new dog bed, but I have had clients where, sadly, a dog has passed and they're holding onto the old dog bed in case they get a new dog. But the question is is using that dog bed with the new puppy going to spark joy for them, or do they want to actually have a fresh start for this new puppy, because that one belonged to the old one? So joy sparking decisions are really, really important, and I did not want to go out and spend a lot of money on things that I actually was only going to be using for a short period of time. So we have a Facebook group for our village and I asked on there if anyone had a dog container like travel container that I could borrow, and I got so many offers so I've borrowed those so that I don't need to buy for the smaller size of dog because he's going to grow out of them so quickly. I was actually working at a client's and she was wanting to get rid of a puppy playpen and very kindly donated it to the Nugget Cause and it's been amazing. So, lisa, if you're listening to this, thank you. You have saved our life. It is literally just the best thing and he's super happy in it.

Speaker 1:

So really think about do you need to really get all of this stuff or are we just getting it for the sake of it? Really only get those things, that where you think, yes, this is what I need and I love the look of that and that's going to work in our home and it's going to make the whole situation easier, joy sparking decisions, and then finally organise by need, not by nostalgia. So life changes and the purpose of the items that you have in your home should reflect the current needs and situation and not just past memories. And this is where sentimental items that we've perhaps had from another dog or we've held on to things from one child, thinking we'll use them when the new baby comes, are they really needed or are we just holding on to them because of nostalgia and sentimental reasons? And that will help you stop getting too much stuff in the home that you are actually not then going to use and it is just going to become clutter. So let's think about decluttering beyond KonMari, I have been working really hard with Nugget coming at creating functional spaces for new routines.

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Now, what do I mean by that? Nugget has got to bond with my child that he's going to be a therapy dog for, and it has meant that he needs to pretty much do everything up in or near my child's bedroom so that he sees that as his special space and he really bonds in that area. So it has meant that on the landing outside my child's bedroom I've had to set up a feeding station and had everything there that all the supplies he will need in one accessible spot. Now I was quite lucky that actually this child had decided they didn't like their bedside table some time ago. So what I have done it's got two really great drawers in it is. I've put it out onto the landing. I'm using the top surface for keeping things like emergency cleaning supplies on so I can just grab them if I need them, and then in the drawers I am storing toys and spare food, so little treats and stuff for training, and that has become like a new station with all his supplies in one accessible spot.

Speaker 1:

Now if you were moving or you're preparing for a baby, you could organise a transition bin where you put all the immediate essentials that you're going to need. So if you were moving, all the moving papers and important documents and everything that you need to have your hands on on the day of the move have in one place. If you've got a newborn coming, then have perhaps a bin that's got your diapers or nappies as we say in the UK cleaning wipes if you're going to use them, spitty up cloths, all that sort of stuff Everything you will need for immediate essentials in one place so you can just grab it. And also, if you are perhaps going to be going downstairs with baby, you can just take the bin with you and you don't need to have like double supplies all over the house. So really think about having a functional space that is going to work with the new routines you're going to have.

Speaker 1:

Maybe you've got a new work from home desk and you are going to have to think about what you need in that space in order to be able to complete your job. Maybe you've got a new hobby and you are perhaps going to be doing some sewing and you need a space where your sewing machine's out. But have you got somewhere near there where you can store your materials, your threads, everything that you need in order for sewing to happen, so that it feels organized and it allows you to easily do your new hobby and be realistic? You really need a balance between what you need for the new transition and not overloading with unnecessary items and I see this so much, especially when someone is getting a baby, especially when it's first baby we often because we're gifted a lot of things as well end up with so much stuff that we don't really need. So really think about being slightly minimalistic about it to start with, and if you find that you do really need something, then great, you can go out and get it. But perhaps try and start with the basics and see how you get on with those first, rather than bringing too much stuff into the home that you actually are not going to use. And you can use bins, baskets, things like time-saving tools, digital planners, anything that's going to help you avoid the overwhelm.

Speaker 1:

Now let's move on to emotional clutter. We are going to be, when we move into this new situation, letting go of the past. Things in our home this week are very, very different to how they have been up until now. We've entered a new phase. We now have two dogs. This is like huge. It's a massive difference.

Speaker 1:

So I have had to not only declutter and organize physical items, but I've also had to let go of my old habits. To let go of my old habits, my old routines and even some old feelings, because they don't serve me in this new stage of life, and I think very often we forget about this and even addressing it because we're so excited about the new thing that's coming we don't think about the impact it's going to have on us and that we may have to really change how we're living and adapt. And if you can stay present and mindful as life changes and use organisation as your grounding tool to help you navigate the emotional clutter, it is going to be so, so much easier. So I would suggest some practical things that could help you, like setting aside 10 minutes a day to tidy so that you just feel like you're staying on top of things, or do a mini declutter session as you go just to avoid things piling up. I would really suggest, if you're going to be having a new event in your life that is as life changing as a new living thing entering the space, try to see can you pare it down for a few weeks or even months so that you have time to breathe and adjust and adapt to a new routine at home without it just all feeling too much. And I would love to end with some practical steps that you can start today.

Speaker 1:

So whether you have got a big life transition coming or you've just started one, or you know there is one coming at some point, I would really recommend choosing one category and trying to do a little bit of a declutter this week, whether it's kids, school stuff or pet items, whatever it happens to be, even if you haven't got an imminent life transition happening, doing this is actually going to make your current life so much easier. And if you have got a big life transition about to happen, try to create a small dedicated space in your home to handle everything that's going to come with that new addition. So, for example, my pet corner that I've got on the landing, or if you've got a baby coming, a baby station. Or if you've got a home office, perhaps some sort of storage for all your stationery, or if you've got a new hobby that you're starting, a dedicated space where you can keep everything that you need for that. And another thing you could do is donate at least one item each week that no longer fits with your new lifestyle, and that will mean that you are staying on top of the amount of things clutter that you have in your home.

Speaker 1:

I would really encourage you to adapt the KonMari approach to your lives rather than following it rigidly. I do not follow the KonMari method to the letter, because sometimes you just need to be flexible, and by being flexible, you're making your life so so much easier. Now, I hope this has been helpful for you. I would love to just remind you of the importance of embracing life transitions with a bit of grace and giving yourself the time that you need to adapt, and I hope that the tools that you've learned today will help you to stay organized and decluttered.

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Having Nugget come into our home has really made me have to see our home differently and my routine differently, and I am going to be sharing a lot of this on Instagram in the coming week.

Speaker 1:

So if you are following me on Instagram at Caro Thor, then you will see some videos of me getting ready for Nugget and how things have been going with him. He's just a bundle of cuteness. So if you just want to see a cute puppy, I strongly recommend you checking that out, and if you know you're someone that needs some extra support with things like life transitions, then we would love to have you join us in Clutter Free Collective so that you can get the support you need from my amazing online community there. And my final thought is life is always shifting, so let's learn to shift with it and create a home that sparks joy for us, no matter what the change. Until next time. But if you can't wait until then, you can go to my website or find me on instagram, at carothor, or on facebook, at caroline organizer. Thanks for listening, and I look forward to guiding you on your journey to find your clutter free ever after.